martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Crear un usuario en Oracle

Para correr este scritp debemos haber instalado el PL/SQL
Ingresamos al PL/SQL con el usuario
SYS y la clave que ingresamos al momento de crear la base de datos

Despues el siguiente scritp:

-- Create the user
create user DESAidentified by "DESA"default tablespace USERStemporary tablespace TEMPprofile DEFAULT;

-- Grant/Revoke object privileges
grant execute on SYS.DBMS_STATS to DESA;

-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to DESA with admin option;
grant dba to DESA with admin option;
grant resource to DESA with admin option;

-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant alter session to DESA with admin option;
grant create any procedure to DESA with admin option;
grant create any table to DESA with admin option;
grant create sequence to DESA with admin option;
grant create session to DESA with admin option;
grant create synonym to DESA with admin option;
grant create view to DESA with admin option;
grant execute any class to DESA with admin option;
grant unlimited tablespace to DESA with admin option;

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